Monday, December 24, 2012

Note to self: wording... all about wording

          So I have started asking questions on subjects I know are going to be touchy with most people. WOW I was so totally not prepared for the blasting and responses I have received at ASKING a question. What I am finding though through all the YOU SHOULDN'Ts and the HOW DARE YOU's is this: when working on the Community Covenants the wording will be extremely important. Perhaps more important than anything else centered around the community.

          It is strange to me how people revert childhood states of rebellion even at the mention of words such as 'required'. I wonder if it strikes a cord from their past when they were told they 'had' to do something. Either way I will have to strive to be extremely creative with wording things when it comes to the documentation of the Community.


  1. There are any number of factors involved, with the fact that many of us have had bad experiences with other more controlling religious groups being but one of them. The real trick is not to let online arguments bother you. (Maybe *that's* the book I need to write. >8)

    1. Rob... that is so very true. No I am not letting it get to me. It just makes me realize how much more careful I need to tread with wording. I have been through more hell with a controlling religion than most people ever will. I was forced to spend a year in an Exodus 'treatment' facility. So believe me I SOOO understand that.

      So it is back to the drawing board on wording LOL

  2. Haven't seen the posts in question, but maybe a better way to approach these things is to free associate some random thoughts, and try to get them down. Plus maybe break down the ideas into: Must Have, Won't Have and Needs Discussion.

    I'm not clear (so far - haven't read much of your plans yet so sorry about jumping the gun here) if this is a community like a village, or a community like an abbey. Only ADFers allows? That sort of thing...

    Another thought is start a reading list of books you find especially helpful/indicative of your views on things. (Maybe even some that are definitely >>not<< what you're after...) There are many intentional communities around, maybe finding one that is close would help crystallize your own thoughts and help people not in your reality distortion field (hahaha) to understand. Just random thoughts...

    1. Thanks for the post Chris. yes this will be somewhere in between a village and an Abbey. We are mostly focusing on having ADF members join us for a better chance of harmony on the spiritual level. Perhaps down the road other Druid denomination but it will be Druid by nature.

      I have been reading tons of sites, books, and the like on this for about 5 years. I have started talking with several other communities of a similar sort to get ideas as well. But thank you for the input.

      coughs... you going to come joins us ;)
