Friday, December 21, 2012


When looking into building this community I have been researching all kinds of power sources. One for things such as farm equipment and vehicles, along with generators, is the use of Bio-Diesel. This is something that is extremely cheap and easy to create through the use of recycled cooking oil from restaurants.

Many times you can get the used oil for free. I have seen places offering to give away 50 gallon barrels of used cooking oil. Some require a deposit for the deposit and will deliver for a small fee. But think about it.

'If you are collecting used fryer oil from 6 restaurants and each one averages a 55 gallon drum of oil per month, you can make 330 gallons of fuel per month, 3960 per year. If you save $2.50 per gallon you will save $9,900 per year. That is a HUGE savings!' Azure Biodiesel Company

This then becomes a powerful tool for a community trying to become sustainable and becoming as green as possible. Since this kind of fuel can be used in any diesel burning system it really does open up major avenues.


  1. One other technology to look at is one that is directly sustainable and would answer many concerns for the community. With the use of a bio-gas digester we would be able to provide the gas needed for heating and cooking uses with minimal supplement of propane during the winter season.
    See the link I have included.

  2. Where power is concerned a solar generator would be an item to look into as it could be maintained for larger appliances such as a refrigerator.
